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Tracemaking Border Deaths between Erasure and Co-Memoration – upcoming two-day seminar

Building on the questions about the relationship between violence and traces on one hand, and affects, knowledge, art, and social justice on the other, this seminar focuses on tracemaking, border deaths and co-memoration. It aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, practices, and experiences, as well as to provide a space for reflection on alternative imaginaries and possible future direct actions.
International Journal of Ethics and Systems

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the International Journal of Ethics and Systems

Download PDF The TRACTS COST Action is creating this special issue in collaboration with the journals. The call is open to everyone, and the rules for submissions are described on the website of the […]

Conference “Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery”

The conference was late spring space of thoughts and experiences exchange. It took place in Tartu (European Capital of Culture 2024). Two keynote speakers were David B. Rothenberg (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) and Linda Knight (RMIT University, Australia) were performing great lectures. Participants visited University of Tartu Natural History Museum where is presented very inspiring exhibition „Unknown” (available until 29 September).