
Short Term Scientific Mission grant

Short Term Scientific Missions are exchange visits aiming to support individual mobility, strengthen existing networks, and foster collaboration between COST Action Participants.

It involves a visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time. The grantee receives funding for implementing a project with an international team and gains new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution.

A total budget of EUR 14,000.00 has been allocated for the Grant Year 3 ( November 1, 2023 – October 31, 2024). The amounts granted for each STSM will be determined during the evaluation process. The STSMs should take place between November 1 2023 and October 1, 2024. The application needs to be submitted at least six weeks before the expected starting date.

STSMs are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The first call is now open and will close on March 31st 2024.

To find out more about STSMs, who can apply and how to apply, please click here

In case of any questions about the STSM, please contact our Short Term Scientific Missions Coordinator:
Tina Palaić []

Dissemination Conference grant 

The Action offers financial support to Action participant for their participation in high-level conferences to present the Action, their activities, and results (oral presentation) and for developing new contacts and potential future collaborations.

The grantee receives support for attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference and can establish new contacts for future collaborations.
Grant awardee’s are expected to produce a short piece of work after the conference to share on the Actions website, the exact form of this piece of work can be discussed with the Grant Awarding Coordinator.

The grants cover conferences happening between November 1, 2023 – October 17, 2024.

Up to EUR 1200 is available for each Dissemination Conference Grant.

The first call closes on March 31st and the second call opens on April 8th 2024.

In case of any questions about the grants, get in touch with our Grant Awarding Coordinator:
Miguel Errazu []

Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) Conference grant 

This grant was created to support PhD students, PhD candidates and Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated with institutions in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) or Near Neighbour Country who wish to participate in conferences organized by third-parties. Grantees receive support for attending and presenting their work (poster or oral presentation) at a conference, and are encouraged to network. This is a great tool to bring visibility to the work of researchers and innovators who normally lack the resources to attend international conferences.

The grantee receives support for attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference and can establish new contacts for future collaborations.
Grant awardee’s are expected to produce a short piece of work after the conference to share on the Actions website, the exact form of this piece of work can be discussed with the Grant Awarding Coordinator.

The grants cover conferences happening between November 1, 2023 – October 17, 2024.

Up to EUR 1000 is available for each ITC Grant.

The first call closes on March 31st and the second call opens on April 8th 2024.

For further information on which countries are considered within the “Inclusiveness Target Country” category and how to apply for grants, please click here.

In case of any questions about the grants, get in touch with our Grant Awarding Coordinator:
Miguel Errazu []

We hope that the scheduled activities and the information we share will be of interest to you. 

All applications must be submitted directly through the eCOST System: