Practicing Collection Ethics toolkit, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the TRACTS COST Action‘s Practicing Collection Ethics toolkit. The toolkit aims to go beyond formal guidelines and codes of ethics. By posing questions and illustrating them with real-world examples, it serves as catalyst for reflection on ethical dilemmas for curators and other museum and archive professionals. 

Contributors of case studies included: Diego Ballestero, Víctor Barros, Hana Curak, Ayesha Fuentes, Susanne Kass, Michel Lee, Katharina Nowak, Órla O’Donovan, Róisín O’Gorman, Tina Palaić& Petra Šarin

The toolkit was edited by Tina Palaić, Magdalena Buchczyk, Aimée Joyce
Graphic design by Melissa Cerić

Ljubljana, 2023