Training School (Programme): Unearthing Traces of European Conflicts: Materiality, Memory, & Technology, September 26 – 28, 2023

Photo Credit: Laura Muñoz-Encinar

26 – 28 September 2023, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

26 September 2023

9:30h Welcome

Forensic Archaeology Laboratory

Trainers: Laura Muñoz-Encinar (INCIPIT CSIC); Zahira Aragüete-Toribio (University of Neuchâtel)

10:00- 11:00h Module 1: Forensic Archaeology

11.00h-11:30h Coffee break

11:30-13:30h Module 1: Forensic Archaeology

13:30-15:00h Break

15:00- 17:00h Module 2: Ethnography of objects

17:00-17:30h Break

17:30- 18:30h Module 2: Ethnography of objects

27 September 2023

Experimental Ethnography Laboratory (EEL)

Trainers: Iñigo Sánchez-Fuarros(INCIPIT CSIC); Zahira Aragüete-Toribio (University of Neuchâtel); Laura Muñoz-Encinar (INCIPIT CSIC)

10:00- 11:00h Module 3: Ethnography Fieldwork

11.00-11:30h Coffee break

11:30-13:30h Module 3: Ethnography Fieldwork

13:30-15:00h Break

15:00- 17:00h Module 4: Experimental Ethnography

17:00-17:30h Break

17:30- 18:30h Module 4: Experimental Ethnography

28 September 2023

Re-presentation Strategies in a Digital Age

Trainers: César Parcero Oubiña (INCIPIT CSIC); Laura Muñoz-Encinar (INCIPIT CSIC); Jesús García Sánchez (IAM CSIC); Jesús Jiménez Chaparro (University of Cantabria)

10:00- 11:00h Module 5: Introduction to the module and presentation of a Case Study

11.00-11:30h Coffee break

11:30-13:30h Module 5: New technologies for the study of the traces of conflicts

13:30-15:00h Break

15:00- 17:00h Module 6: Final remarks

18:00-19:30h Visit to Santiago de Compostela

20:00h Closure

Workshop Leaders

Laura Muñoz-Encinar INCIPIT CSIC

César Parcero Oubiña INCIPIT CSIC

Iñigo Sánchez Fuarros INCIPIT CSIC

Zahira Aragüete-Toribio University of Neuchâtel

Workshop Collaborators

Jesús García Sánchez IAM-CSIC

Jesús Jiménez Chaparro University of Cantabria

Host Institution

Institute of Heritage Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (INCIPIT CSIC)

Fontán Building, block 4 Monte Gaiás, s/n

15707 Santiago de Compostela
