Photo credit: Laura-Muñoz Encinar
September 26-28, 2023
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
a TRACTS multimodal training school
This international training school aims to analyse the material traces of conflict and their impact in the present through the conceptual lens of different disciplines: Archaeology, Forensic Sciences, Social Anthropology and Memory Studies.
By focusing on the three main themes of Materiality, Memory, and Technology the training school explores the traces of contemporary European conflicts. It will bring together scholars from the social sciences, humanities and forensic sciences with memorialization and advanced technology experts to examine the remnants of 20th century conflicts and develop inclusive strategies for historical knowledge dissemination.
The summer school will be developed for three days at the Institute of Heritage Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (INCIPIT CSIC) in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and is open, among others, to MA students, PhD candidates, early career researchers, technicians, memorial experts, and activists.
Combining theoretical and practical contents, participants will explore archaeological, forensic, and ethnographic materials to learn about innovative methodological approaches based on three axes:
-Forensic Archaeology Laboratory: Training in theoretical and practical methodologies of fieldwork and laboratory techniques for the analysis of the material culture and human remains found in contemporary conflict-affected sites.
-Experimental Ethnography Laboratory: Training in methodological, theoretical, and practical contents for ethnographic fieldwork.
-Re-presentation Strategies in a Digital Age: Training in the use of non and minimally invasive archaeological methods, 3D scanned landscapes and artefacts. We will also examine and use digital tools and discuss their potential to provide local, national, and global audiences with access to conflict-related heritage.
Workshop Leaders
This TRACTS workshop and training school will be facilitated by researchers, image and sound makers, and writers who are actively engaged in multimodal forms of knowledge production in relation to mass violence sites, including from archaeological, anthropological, and historical perspectives.
Laura Muñoz-Encinar INCIPIT CSIC
César Parcero Oubiña INCIPIT CSIC
Iñigo Sánchez Fuarros INCIPIT CSIC
Zahira Aragüete-Toribio University of Neuchâtel
Available Fellowships
TRACTS is offering several fellowships for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers based in Europe. Through a reimbursement scheme, these fellowships will cover travel and accommodation expenses. Students based locally will be eligible for local travel reimbursements. The workshop itself is free of charge.
Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers outside of Europe can also participate, but their travel and accommodation will not be reimbursed.
Interested participants should send a short version of their CV (2 pages maximum), a brief motivation statement about why you would like to take part in the training school, and a biography (100 words maximum) by 11pm (GMT) on Monday, June 26th.
Submission Details
Application documents should be submitted in one PDF file.
All dossiers must be submitted by email by 11pm (GMT) on Monday, June 26th with the following subject heading: UNEARTHING – First Name Last Name – Institution.
We will announce the participants by the beginning of July 2023.
Host Institution

This Training School is organized by TRACTS (CA20134), supported by European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COST is a funding agency for research and innovation network.